The order determines success


When putting things away, it's important to set priorities and prevent chaos from arising from the very start.

First the freezer

If you're moving a deep freeze, on the day before moving date you should let it run at full power so that on moving day the foods remain frozen for a good 24 hours. On moving day, load the freezer as the very last piece, and upon arrival at your new home unload it as the very first thing and hook it up immediately.

Furniture and cartons

By making sure when unloading furniture and removal cartons that these things end up in the correct rooms, you can avoid stress and unnecessary chaos. Here's a tip: whenever possible, place only furniture parts in the rooms and organise workers who do nothing else but reassembling pieces of furniture. Until they're done, place the cartons along the wall in front of the corresponding room. Furniture reassembly can also be handled by professionals from the removal company.

Establish priorities

Because it's scarcely possible to complete unpacking and putting everything into its proper place in one day, you should concentrate first on those rooms which are important for daily life in a somewhat normal fashion. These include the bedroom, bathroom and generally also the kitchen.

For the utmost feeling of comfort

So that you feel at home as quickly as possible, you should make the bed, remove toilet articles from the «emergency carton» (see Feel at home) and place them in the bathroom, put the name plates on the letterbox and apartment doorbell and put up the curtains at the latest towards evening.


It takes a while to get a feeling for your new home. That's why you shouldn't rush into hanging pictures right away but instead just place them against the wall in those spots you think they might go. In the next few days or even weeks you can let the pictures have their effect and move them around or even replace them as necessary.

Here's a tip: if you're working on a tight budget, you can also take advantage of posters and ready-made frames. The choice is immense, and a nice picture can make a huge improvement.