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1 / 6
CHF 4,430.– / monthTop
7.5 rooms 160m² living space
3084 Wabern


Diese wunderschöne Maisonette-Wohnung in Wabern ist perfekt für Paare, die Wert auf Komfort und Stil legen! Mit 160 m² und 7.5 Zimmern bietet sie reichlich Platz. Erstbezug nach Totalsanierung, gehobener Ausbaustandard, grosszügige Zimmer mit Parkett und eine topmoderne, vollausgestattete Küche lassen keine Wünsche offen. Zwei Balkone bieten eine atemberaubende Aussicht auf die Stadt Bern. Hier können Sie Ihre Zweisamkeit in vollen Zügen geniessen!Dieses BETTERHOMES-Angebot zeichnet sich durch folgende Vorteile aus:- totalsaniert- Erstbezug- Parkettausstattung- helle Zimmer- grosses Wohnzimmer im Dachgeschoss- vollausgestattete Küche- viel Stauraum im Keller, Estrich und Einbauschränken- zwei Balkone mit herrlicher Aussicht- moderne Nasszelle mit Regendusche- gemeinschaftliche Gartenterrasse und eigener Gemüsegarten- und, und, und ...Interessiert? Kontaktieren Sie uns für eine unverbindliche Besichtigung – auch Online-Besichtigung möglich!Nichts Passendes gefunden? Über 2'300 weitere Angebote unter: www.betterhomes.ch - der Immobilienfairmittler®Selber eine Immobilie zu vermarkten?Profitieren Sie von unserem Know-how: https://www.betterhomes.ch/de/profitierenSie möchten eine Immobilie schätzen lassen?Erfahren Sie jetzt ihren Wert über unsere Gratis-Schätzung, sofort und unverbindlich!https://www.betterhomes.ch/de/knowledge/estimationMehr DetailsLage: zentral mit Aussicht auf die Stadt BernZustand: neuwertigBäder / Nasszellen: 2 (1 x Dusche / Lavabo / WC, 1 x Lavabo / WC)Heizsystem: WärmepumpenheizungÖffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Bus, 350 m / Bahnhof Wabern, 600 mSchulen: Primarschule, 800 m / Gymnasium Lerbermatt, 350 m Geschäfte: diverse Geschäfte, in Gehdistanz

Additional information


Having declined by 1.35%, the population in Burgistein has fallen to 1,098 in the past 3 years.

Demographic data

The average yearly income level is CHF 61,385. In the region, 13.61% of the population have a university degree, 17.23% of residents have completed higher vocational training, 51.04% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 18.11% are currently enrolled in compulsory education. As a result, the area has high social standards. The unemployment rate currently stands at 0.64%.


The tax rate for the region is 16.29%. It varies from person to person and is based on factors including current income, marital status and the amount of deductions. In Burgistein, childless, single people pay an average of 21.24% tax, a retired, married couple pays 20.5%, a married couple with two children pays 11.48% and a childless couple pays 15.71%.

The overall property market

New buildings

More living space has been created in Burgistein over the last 5 years. For example, 16 new apartments have been constructed.

Exactly one apartment with 4 rooms was added to the local housing stock. Funds were also invested in larger apartments: 4 5-room apartments were built, offering lots of room for families; 11 apartments with at least 6 rooms were also built.

Housing stock

Burgistein now has a total of 535 apartments, following further growth in the pool of local housing thanks to new construction. One-room properties make up a total of 18 apartments in the area. The total number of properties comes to 44 apartments with 2 rooms, 125 apartments with 3 rooms and 169 apartments with 4 rooms. In total, there are 107 5-room apartments and 72 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Vacant apartments

0.75% of apartments in Burgistein are uninhabited.

1.87% of 5-room apartments are presently empty. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 2.23%; 2.78%% of this figure applies to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

The average rent for a flat is CHF 1,500. 25% of all rents on offer are below a monthly rent of CHF 1,333, or they are equal to this amount (25th percentile). And 75% of monthly rents are less than or equivalent to CHF 1,800 (75th percentile).