4 results - Apartment for rent in Eggersriet

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1 / 5
CHF 2,010.– / monthPlus
4.5 rooms 140m² living space
Benslistrasse 11a, Eggersriet, 9034 Eggersriet

4.5 Zimmer mit eigenem Estrich und Treppenlift

Wunderschöne helle hohe 2 1/2 Zi Wohnung mit zweiter Etage zu eignem Estrich (oder 2. Schlafzimmer rollbarer Treppenaufgang) in Neubau (Niedrigenergiehaus) an sonniger Südhanglage in ruhiger Wohnstrasse, die in den Wald führt (kein Durchgangsverkehr) Eigene WM in schönem grossen pflegeleichten Badezimmer , Treppenliftaufgang und wunderbare Aussichht aufs Säntispanorama mit den grünen Appenzellerhügeln davor. Nordseits Waldsaum von wo via Wanderweg der Blick auf Bodensee und die grüne Stadt St. Gallen bald ersichtlich ist.Ins Dorf 5 Gehminuten auf Trottoir für Einkäufe, Post, Lebensmittel , Bank etc. Postautostelle 2 Gehminuten fährt im Halbstundentakt nach St. Gallen /Heiden, Rorschach an den See etc. Arztpraxis (auch Hausbesuche ) Spitex , Gesundheitszentrum und Seniorenheim alles im Dorf vorhanden. Vereinsleben (Dorfzeitung) als weiteres Angebot da, Wander- Bikerweg direkt ab Haustüre etc. UG wohnt nur die Hausbesitzerin (pens.) welche Werkstatt, Garten , Kreativatelier , Sitzplätze , Balkonterrasse gerne teilt , aber auch separate Bereiche nur für die Mietperson anbietet . PP genügend vorhanden . Obiger Mietpreis gilt als inkl. ist amtlich geschätzt und gesetzt worden , es gilt St. Galler Mietvertrag. Hier wohnen, wo andere Ferien machen - einfach kommen und mal ansehen unter 071 877 24 40 - freue mich auf ihre Anmeldung !

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Additional information


The number of residents in Eggersriet has risen to 2,364 over the past 3 years. This amounts to an increase of 1.07%.

Demographic data

On average, residents earn CHF 71,775 per year. The proportion of university graduates is 10.51%; 20.68% of residents have higher vocational education, and 52.92% have SEK II qualifications. In addition, 15.95% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling.

0.59% of the population is presently unemployed.


The tax rate for the region is 12.47%. It differs from person to person and is based on factors including specific income, marital status and the amount of deductions. In Eggersriet, the tax burden is 17.49% for a childless, unmarried person. On average, a retired couple (over 65) pay 15.85%, a married couple with two children 8.19% and a couple without children 11.79%%.

The property market in general

New builds

Over the last 5 years, 68 apartments have been constructed in Eggersriet. For example, a new 1-room apartment was added to the housing stock. More 2-room apartments have also been created; 8 apartments of this size were added in total. 21 apartments with 3 rooms and 24 4-room apartments were also built. The available housing stock was also expanded to include 11 5-room apartments and 3 apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Housing stock

Thanks to new construction, the amount of housing available in Eggersriet has grown, and there are now a total of 1,100 apartments. The number of 1-room apartments is 15. The total number of properties comes to 76 apartments with 2 rooms, 160 apartments with 3 rooms and 261 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, the supply of 5-room properties comprises 304 apartments, and there are also 284 large apartments with 6 rooms or more.

Empty apartments

The percentage of vacant apartments in Eggersriet is 0.82%.

For instance, 2.5% of 3-room apartments, 0.77% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 0.66% of apartments with 5 rooms are currently uninhabited. The rate of vacancy is 0.51% for apartments with more than 5 rooms and 0.35% for apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

An average of CHF 1,480 is needed to rent a property. Consequently, 25% of all rents on the market are less than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,175 (25th percentile). And 75% of monthly rents are lower than or equal to CHF 1,800 (75th percentile).