1 result - Apartment for rent in Fescoggia

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CHF 1,940.– / month
5.5 rooms 71m² living space
6938 Fescoggia

Appartamento soleggiato di 5.5 locali immerso nella quiete e nel verde a Fescoggia

Questo spazioso appartamento di 5.5 locali colpisce per la sua luminosità e il suo design moderno. L'ampio soggiorno è perfetto per i momenti di relax, mentre la nuova e spaziosa cucina costituisce il fulcro della casa. Con tre camere da letto, un bagno e un balcone, l'appartamento offre molto spazio per il comfort e la vita di tutti i giorni. Una cantina aggiuntiva fornisce un pratico spazio extra.Costruito nel 2016, l'immobile è in ottime condizioni e vanta infissi e arredi di prima classe. L'immobile è caratterizzato da una posizione soleggiata, tranquilla e luminosa e offre una piacevole atmosfera abitativa. La regione è caratterizzata da un ambiente tranquillo e adatto ai bambini ed è ideale per gli amanti della natura. L'appartamento è dotato di un sistema di riscaldamento moderno che garantisce calore e accoglienza.Questa offerta properti è caratterizzata da: • Arredamento moderno e condizioni curate • Posizione soleggiata, tranquilla e luminosa • Atmosfera abitativa ideale • Quartiere adatto ai bambini • Vicinanza a parchi e natura • Sistema di riscaldamento di alta qualità • Ampio soggiorno e nuova cucina • Pratico balcone • Immobile di recente costruzione in ottime condizioni • Vista sulla natura circostante Interessati? Contattateci per una visita non vincolante!Avete anche voi un immobile da commercializzare? Offriamo condizioni eque e trasparenti!

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Additional information


Having decreased by 0.5%, the population in Alto Malcantone has fallen to 1,385 in the past 3 years.

Demographic data

The average yearly income is CHF 63,815. 49.27% of the population have an SEK II qualification, and 13.84% have a higher vocational training qualification. 17.67% are university graduates and 19.22% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory education. This means the area has high social standards and an educated population. The unemployment rate is 0.72%.


12.01% is the rate of taxation in the region. However, the individual tax burden differs from person to person and depends on income, marital status and the overall level of deductions, among other factors. The average tax percentage for a single person with no children in Alto Malcantone is 17.69%. A retired couple (over 65) pays an average of 16.32%, a married couple with two children 6.82% and a childless couple 10.6%%.

The property market in general

New buildings

Over the last 5 years, 11 new apartments have been created in Alto Malcantone.

5 of the newly built apartments are 2-room apartments. An additional 3-room apartment was also built. The number of larger newly constructed apartments includes one 6+ room apartment and 4 5-room apartments.

Housing stock

Alto Malcantone now has a total of 1,127 apartments, following further growth in the housing stock thanks to the construction of new dwellings. There are 18 1-room apartments available on the housing market. The housing stock also comprises 279 apartments with 2 rooms, 333 with 3 rooms and 206 apartments with 4 rooms. In total, there are 206 5-room apartments and 141 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Unoccupied apartments

1.16% of apartments in Alto Malcantone are vacant.

Consequently, 2.68% of the 2-room apartments, 2.17% of the 3-room apartments, 0.3% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 0.49% of the 5-room apartments are presently uninhabited. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 0.58%; 0.71% of those empty properties are apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

On average, the rent price for rental properties is CHF 1,290 per month. This means that 25% of all rents on the market are cheaper than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,150 (25th percentile). And 75% of monthly rents are lower than or equivalent to CHF 1,500 (75th percentile).