2 results - Apartment for rent in Gollion

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CHF 3,850.– / monthTop
1.5 rooms 170m² living space
1124 Gollion


Découvrez ce magnifique appartement de 1.5 pièces situé à Gollion, offrant un espace de vie de env. 170 m². Vous serez séduit par sa cuisine équipée ouverte, son spacieux séjour. Profitez également d'un balcon/veranda de 12m2 pour des moments de détente. Avec 3 chambres à coucher, un espace bureau, des armoires dans chaque pièce, vous aurez tout l'espace nécessaire pour vous sentir chez vous. De plus, une salle de bains avec jacuzzi et douche, ainsi qu'une salle d'eau supplémentaire, sont à votre disposition. Disponible dès maintenant, ne manquez pas cette opportunité!Cette offre de BETTERHOMES se caractérise par les avantages suivants: - cuisine équipée ouverte- spacieux séjour et salle à manger- balcon/véranda de 12 m²- 3 chambres à coucher- espace bureau- 1 salle de bains avec baignoire jacuzzi et douche, WC + 1 salle d'eau douche/WC- 1 cave + spacieux galetas- trois places de parcs dans garage possible CHF 120.- / mois / place- charges en sus du loyer CHF 250.-/mois (accompte)- disponible de suite ou à convenir- etc., etc., etc. ...Intéressé? Contactez-nous pour une visite gratuite!Rien qui correspond? Vous trouverez plus de 2'300 autres objets sur: www.betterhomes.ch - Le spécialiste suisse des transactions immobilières.Vous avez un bien immobilier à commercialiser?Profitez de notre savoir-faire: https://www.betterhomes.ch/fr/profiterVous souhaitez connaître la valeur de votre bien immobilier?Découvrez sa valeur dès maintenant grâce à notre estimation gratuite, immédiate et sans engagement!https://www.betterhomes.ch/fr/knowledge/estimationPlus détailsSituation: centre du village Etat du bâtiment: excellent état Salles de bain: 2 (1 x baignoire / douche / WC / lavabo, 1 x douche / WC / lavabo)Système de chauffage: Minergie Transport publics: bus, 100 mEcole: écoles, à proximité Commerces: Coop / Migros, 1 km

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Additional information


Gollion has a population of 1,030. This is equivalent to an increase of 9.69% in the past 3 years.

Population statistics

The average income is CHF 79,335. 19.13% of residents are currently completing compulsory education, 40.96% have an SEK II qualification, 14.44% have a higher vocational training qualification and 25.47% of the population have a university degree.

Currently, 1.26% of the population is unemployed.


The total tax rate in the region is 15.44%. Factors including income, marital status and the overall level of deductions are used to calculate the tax rate. In Gollion, the tax percentage for single people with no children is 21%. A retired, married couple (over 65) pays an average of 20.09%, a married couple with two children 10.28% and a couple without children 14.59%%.

The overall property market

New construction

Additional living space has been created in Gollion over the last 5 years. For instance, 55 new apartments have been constructed.

13 of these new-build apartments are 2-room apartments. 19 apartments with 3 rooms and 18 4-room apartments were also built. The new-build apartments include 2 5-room apartments and 3 apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Housing stock

The new builds have contributed to a further expansion of the housing supply, and there are now 499 apartments in Gollion. There are 14 1-room apartments available on the housing market. In terms of medium-sized to large apartments, the housing stock includes 133 apartments with 2 rooms, 175 3-room apartments and 58 with 4 rooms. Finally, the stock of 5-room properties comprises 58 apartments, and there are also 45 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Empty apartments

The rate of empty apartments in Gollion is 1.41%.

Of this total, 0.04% of the 2-room apartments, 1.52% of apartments with 3 rooms and 1.15% of apartments with 4 rooms are vacant at the moment.

Property market (letting only)

Rental properties are offered at an average rent of CHF 1,850 per month. In terms of the rents on the market, a quarter of them are equal to or cheaper than a monthly rent of CHF 1,475. Finally, 75% of monthly rents are less than CHF 2,431, or are equivalent to this amount.