3 results - Apartment for rent in Langrickenbach

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1 / 13
CHF 2,070.– / month
1.5 rooms
Waldhof 30, 8585 Langrickenbach

Die Ruhe auf dem Land geniessen

Lichtdurchflutete Maisonettewohnung in der NaturDie sehr schöne Maisonettewohnung bietet alles was das Herz begehrt. Die Natur steht direkt vor der Haustür und bietet Erholung pur. In rund 8 Minuten erreichen Sie Altnau und somit den Bodensee.Küche (1.OG): • Boden Vinyl • Glaskeramik • Backofen • Mikrowelle • Geschirrspüler • Kühlschrank • Waschmaschine • Tumbler Badezimmer (1.OG): • Boden Fliesen • Badewanne (mit Trennwand zum Duschen) • Lavabo • Toilette Wohnzimmer (1.OG): • Boden Laminat Zimmer (1.OG): • Boden Laminat Korridor (1.OG): • Boden Laminat 2 Zimmer (DG): • Boden Laminat • Zugang zu Balkon Dusche (DG): • Boden Fliesen • Dusche (mit Regenbrause und Schiebetrennwände) • Lavabo • Toilette Korridor (DG): • Boden Laminat Balkon (DG): • Bietet Platz für gemütliche Stunden Estrich: • Bietet viel Stauraum Keller: • Bietet viel Platz für die Lagerung von Lebensmittel Eine Garage kann für CHF 140.00 monatlich dazu gemietet werden. Auch steht ein Aussenparkplatz für CHF 50.00 monatlich dazu gemietet werden.Infrastruktur: • Einkaufen ca. 3000m (Volg) • Kindergarten ca. 700m • Primarschule ca. 700m • Öffentlicher Verkehr ca. 126m Bezug:Per 01. September 2024 oder nach Absprache.Interessiert?Wir freuen uns, mit Ihnen diese schöne Wohnung zu entdecken und erwarten sehr gerne Ihre Kontaktaufnahme. Langrickenbach8585 Langrickenbach liegt im Bezirk Kreuzlingen, im Kanton Thurgau. Die Bevölkerung in der politischen Gemeinde Langrickenbach hat sich in den letzten fünf Jahren um durchschnittlich +1.9% pro Jahr auf 1'442 Einwohner verändert (Stand 31. Dez. 2022). Die Steuerbelastung liegt bei 11.5% (Kanton: 11.2%). Für die letzten fünf Jahre weist die Gemeinde im Durchschnitt eine jährliche Wohnbautätigkeit von 2.4% auf, während die Leerwohnungsziffer aktuell 1.2% beträgt (Stand 1. Jun. 2023). Die Immobilienpreise haben sich in den letzten fünf Jahren um +22.0% verändert (Kanton: +24.3%).

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Additional information


Langrickenbach has registered a population increase of 13.28%, to 1,442 inhabitants, in the last 3 years.

Population statistics

Average income totals CHF 67,385. 14.26% of residents have a university degree, 17.27% have completed higher vocational training and 53.07% have an SEK II qualification. In addition, 15.4% of residents are currently attending school.

The total unemployment rate is 0.49%.


The rate of taxation is 11.66%. The actual tax rate varies from person to person and depends on factors including actual income, marital status and the overall level of deductions. In Langrickenbach, for instance, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 14.85% tax, a married couple with two children 7.93% and a childless couple 10.96%%. The tax percentage for a childless, unmarried person is 16.09%.

Summary of the property market

New construction

With a total of 58 apartments, more living space has been constructed in Langrickenbach over the past 5 years. A total of 2 1-room apartments have been created. There are also a total of 5 new 2-room apartments. With 14 new 3-room apartments and 14 4-room apartments, the area is particularly attractive for families. The available housing stock was also expanded to include 14 5-room apartments and 9 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms. The availability of spacious apartments in Langrickenbach makes the location particularly attractive for families.

Housing stock

New construction has further increased the housing stock in the region, so that there are now a total of 670 apartments in Langrickenbach. As for 1-room apartments, a total of 15 properties are available. The total number of properties amounts to 60 apartments with 2 rooms, 89 apartments with 3 rooms and 163 apartments with 4 rooms. The supply of very spacious properties with 5 rooms includes 160 apartments, and there are 183 apartments with 6 rooms or more.

Vacant apartments

1.2% of apartments in Langrickenbach are empty.

Consequently, 3.33% of the 2-room apartments, 1.12% of the 3-room apartments and

and 1.25% of 5-room apartments are unoccupied. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 1.46%; of that figure, 1.65% are apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (rental only)

Rents for rental properties average CHF 1,550 per month. 25% of all available rents are below a monthly rent of CHF 1,222, or they are equivalent to this amount (25th percentile). Finally, 75% of monthly rents are less than CHF 1,761, or are equal to this amount.