4 results - Apartment for rent in Signau

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CHF 2,670.– / month
7.5 rooms 156m² living space
3534 Signau

Charmante 7.5-Zimmer-Wohnung in Signau

Diese wunderschöne 7.5-Zimmer-Wohnung besticht durch ihre Helligkeit und Grosszügigkeit. Das Wohnzimmer ist lichtdurchflutet und bietet ausreichend Platz zum Entspannen. Die moderne Küche lädt zum Kochen und Geniessen ein. Ein Schlafzimmer und ein Badezimmer sorgen für den nötigen Komfort. Der Balkon bietet einen herrlichen Ausblick und lädt zum Verweilen im Freien ein. Ein Reduit, ein Estrich und ein Lift sind weitere Annehmlichkeiten dieser Immobilie. Es stehen zwei Parkplätze im Freien zur Verfügung.Der moderne und hochwertige Ausbaustandard bietet ein angenehmes Wohngefühl. Die ländliche, gut entwickelte Umgebung ist ideal für Familien und kinderfreundlich. In der Nähe befinden sich Restaurants, Cafés, Parks, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Freizeiteinrichtungen, Natur, Schulen und Erholungsgebiete. An kühleren Tagen sorgt die Fussbodenheizung für wohlige Wärme.Dieses properti-Angebot zeichnet sich durch folgende Vorteile aus: • Neubau • Grosszügiges Wohnzimmer • Moderne Küche • Balkon mit herrlichem Ausblick • Zentrale Lage mit guten Verkehrsanbindungen • Hochwertiger Ausbaustandard • Familienfreundliche Umgebung • Estrich vorhanden • Waschturm in der Wohnung • Lift vorhanden • Zwei Parkplätze Interessiert? Kontaktieren Sie uns für eine unverbindliche Besichtigung!Selber eine Immobilie zu vermarkten? Wir überzeugen mit fairen und transparenten Konditionen!

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Additional information


The number of residents in Signau has grown to 2,652 in the past 3 years. This is a population increase of 1.07%.

Demographic data

On average, residents earn CHF 54,725 annually. 6.79% of the population have a university degree, 16.92% have a higher vocational training qualification, 53.3% of the population have a school-leaving certificate or have completed a apprenticeship, 22.95% of residents have completed compulsory schooling and 0.04% of the population provided no information about their highest educational qualification. This means the residential area has high social standards and an educated population. The current unemployment rate is 0.38%.


Overall, the rate of taxation in the area is 16.27%. The individual proportion of tax actually paid will vary and is based on factors such as specific income, marital status, the overall level of deductions and the like. The tax rate for a single person with no children in Signau is 21.2%. On average, a retired couple (over 65) pays 20.46% tax, a couple with two children 11.46% and a childless couple 15.68%%.

The overall property market

New construction

The housing available in Signau has increased by 15 apartments in the last 5 years.

In terms of 2-room apartments, one new unit has been constructed. What's more, 2 3-room apartments and 5 4-room apartments have been added to the pool of housing available locally in recent years. 6 5-room apartments and one 6+ room apartment were also recently built.

Housing stock

Signau now has a total of 1,401 apartments, following additional growth in the housing stock as a result of new construction. As for 1-room apartments, a total of 45 properties are on the market. The housing stock also includes 357 apartments with 2 rooms, 389 with 3 rooms and 287 apartments with 4 rooms. There are 287 5-room apartments and 164 large apartments with 6 or more rooms.

Vacant apartments

The vacancy rate in Signau is 0.79%. Of this total, 2.22% of 1-room apartments, 1.27% of apartments with 2 rooms, 1.41% of the 3-room apartments, 0.26% of all 4-room apartments and 0.35% of 5-room apartments are empty. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.45%; 0.61%% of this figure pertains to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

The average rental price for a flat is CHF 1,285. A quarter of all available rents are less than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 963 (25th percentile). Additionally, 75% of all monthly rents are cheaper than or equivalent to CHF 1,547.