5 results - Apartment for rent in Wasen im Emmental

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1 / 6
CHF 1,400.– / month
2 rooms 49m² living space
3457 Wasen im Emmental


Willkommen in Ihrer neuen Wohnung, die eine harmonische Verbindung zur Natur bietet. Hier können Sie die Schönheit der Umgebung in vollen Zügen geniessen. Die Lage ermöglicht zahlreiche Wander- und Biketouren durch die Natur. In der Nähe finden Sie idyllische Grillplätze für gemütliche Stunden im Freien. Entspannen Sie auf der Terrasse und geniessen Sie die herrliche Aussicht bei einem knisternden Feuer im Aussenkamin. Die Wohnung ist komplett möbliert und kinderfreundlich eingerichtet. Ihre Kleinen werden bequem mit dem Schulbus vom Kindergarten oder der Schule abgeholt.Dieses BETTERHOMES-Angebot zeichnet sich durch folgende Vorteile aus:- komplett renoviert 2019- möbliert und voll ausgestattet- Gartensitzplatz mit Blick ins Grüne- Aussenchemineé- Aussenparkplatz inklusive- kinderfreundliche ruhige Wohnlage- idyllisch gelegen am Waldrand- und, und, und ...Interessiert? Kontaktieren Sie uns für eine unverbindliche Besichtigung!Nichts Passendes gefunden? Über 2'200 weitere Angebote unter: www.betterhomes.ch - der Immobilienfairmittler®Selber eine Immobilie zu vermarkten?Profitieren Sie von unserem Know-how: https://www.betterhomes.ch/de/profitierenSie möchten eine Immobilie schätzen lassen?Erfahren Sie jetzt ihren Wert über unsere Gratis-Schätzung, sofort und unverbindlich!https://www.betterhomes.ch/de/knowledge/estimationMehr DetailsLage: gutZustand: gepflegtBäder / Nasszellen: 1 (1 x Badewanne / Lavabo / WC)Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Bus, 2.6 kmSchulen: Kindergarten und Unterstufe im Dorf / Real- und Sekundarschule, 2.6 kmGeschäfte: Landi, 1.8 km

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Additional information


Sumiswald has grown by 0.24% in the last 3 years and now has 5,038 inhabitants.


The average income here is CHF 55,855. Of the population, 6.84% have a university degree, 15.24% have completed higher vocational training, 57.57% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 20.33% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling. Consequently, the area has high social standards. The current unemployment rate is 0.62%.


15.84% is the tax rate in the region. However, the individual tax burden varies from person to person and depends on income, marital status and the overall level of deductions, among other factors. In Sumiswald, the tax percentage is 20.66% for a childless, single person. On average, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pay 19.95%, a married couple with two children 11.14% and a childless couple 15.26%%.

The property market overall

New builds

The housing available in Sumiswald has grown by 94 apartments over the past 5 years. One of the new builds is a one-room apartment, which is particularly suitable for singles. A total of 20 new 2-room apartments have also been built. 13 apartments with 3 rooms and 17 4-room apartments were additionally added. The newly constructed accommodation includes 30 5-room apartments and 13 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing stock

Thanks to the construction of new dwellings, the housing stock in Sumiswald has increased, and there are now a total of 2,725 apartments. There are a total of 95 1-room apartments available in the region. In terms of medium-sized to large apartments, the housing supply comprises 658 apartments with 2 rooms, 691 3-room apartments and 568 with 4 rooms. Finally, 568 5-room apartments and 405 spacious apartments with at least 6 rooms are available in the area.

Unoccupied apartments

The rate of empty apartments in Sumiswald is 0.52%.

Of this number, 0% of the 2-room apartments, 0.76% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 0.58% of apartments with 4 rooms and 0.53% of apartments with 5 rooms are presently vacant. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 0.41%; 0.25% of those unoccupied properties are apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

On average, the rent price for rental properties is CHF 1,150 per month. 25% of all available rents are below a monthly rent of CHF 900, or they are equivalent to this amount (25th percentile). And 75% of monthly rents are less than or equal to CHF 1,402 (75th percentile).