168 results - Apartment for rent in Region Winterthur

Additional information


The number of residents in the District of Winterthur has increased by 3.07% in the last 3 years, to 176,811 people.


The average yearly income level is CHF 75,275. The population is comprised as follows: 21.13% have a university degree, 0.16% have a higher vocational education qualification, 43.31% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 19.77% are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling and 0.01% did not specify their highest level of education.

Around 0.91% of the population is presently unemployed.


The total rate of taxation in the region is 10.65%. How much tax individuals pay is based on various factors, such as actual income, marital status and the overall level of deductions. A married couple on a pension in the District of Winterthur pays an average of 14.02%, a married couple with two children 6.65% and married couples with no children 10.65%%. The tax rate for an unmarried person with no children is 14.99%.

Summary of the property market

New construction

With a total of 4,754 apartments, the District of Winterthur has seen new living space created in the past 5 years. The 210 1-bedroom apartments are particularly suitable for singles. In addition to the existing apartments, 1,214 new 2-room apartments have been constructed. 1,600 new apartments with 3 rooms and 1,220 apartments with 4 rooms were also built in the area. 359 apartments with 5 rooms and 151 apartments with 6 or more rooms have been added to the supply of housing available locally.

Housing stock

New builds have further expanded the pool of housing available in the region; there are now a total of 85,028 apartments in the District of Winterthur. The number of 1-room apartments is 4,434. In addition, there are 11,205 apartments with 2 rooms, 23,797 apartments with 3 rooms and 24,695 apartments with a full 4 rooms. Finally, the supply of 5-room properties comprises 13,320 apartments, and there are also 7,577 large apartments with 6 rooms or more.

Vacant apartments

The vacancy rate for apartments in the District of Winterthur is 0.34%%. This means that 0.61% of the 1-room apartments, 0.38% of the 2-room apartments, 0.37% of apartments with 3 rooms, 0.33% of all 4-room apartments and 0.24% of apartments with 5 rooms are currently uninhabited. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 0.24%; 0.23% of those empty properties are apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

An average of CHF 1,680 is needed to rent a flat. 25% of the rents on offer are cheaper than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,425 (25th percentile). The 75th percentile of monthly rents is CHF 2,002.