Saving energy in the home


Saving energy is good for the environment and your wallet. After all, lower electricity usage also means a lower annual electricity bill for you. Wondering where to start? We’ll show you a few areas where you can make a big difference in your home electricity use.

Saving energy in the home

Your kitchen: power hog number one

The kitchen is an important place in any apartment. But did you know that it is also one of the biggest consumers of power in your home? That’s because the kitchen has many different power-hungry appliances such as the fridge, the dishwasher and of course, the stove and oven. Here are some tips on how you can save energy in the kitchen:

  • Pay attention to energy efficiency classes when purchasing new appliances.
  • Always load your dishwasher as efficiently as possible. That means filling the dishwasher to capacity and arranging the dishes correctly to make optimal use of the space. Only run it when it’s actually full.
  • Turn off or unplug electric kitchen appliances (coffee maker, electric kettle, rice cooker) after use.

Doing laundry: how to be more environmentally-friendly

It should be no surprise to learn that washing machines and tumble dryers use a lot of energy. But even here, you can find ways to save. We’ll show you how to save the most:

  • whether you’re a homeowner or a renter: get a new washing machine and tumble dryer. They are more efficient than older models, making them worth the investment.
  • Use eco programmes whenever possible and choose a suitable temperature, which can be different depending how dirty the laundry is, the type of laundry and fabric delicacy.
  • Air-dry your clothes rather than using the tumble dryer.

Electronics and lighting: how to save energy

Electrical devices and good lighting are now an intrinsic part of our lives. However, it’s still important to think about energy consumption.

  • Here, too, completely turn off devices that you aren’t using. Try to avoid using standby mode. Either you are using the device, or you’ve turned it off.
  • If you’re not home for several days, it’s worth either turning off all devices or unplugging them.
  • Switch to the most energy-efficient lightbulbs possible, like LED or energy-saving bulbs, for example.
  • Dispose of your lightbulbs correctly.
  • Be conscious and efficient about your television use. Don’t let it just play in the background if you’re not even in the room.

Water consumption: how much does the average household use?

Water is a precious resource and heating water takes a considerable amount of energy. An average Swiss household uses approximately 142 litres of water per person, per day. This is roughly equivalent to the contents of the average bathtub. So how can you save water and energy in the bathroom?

  • Shower instead of bathing: this significantly reduces the amount of water used. A five-minute shower uses approximately 50 litres of water, while a full bath uses 150 litres.
  • Use cold water to wash your hands.
  • Install flow reducers on water taps.

How much energy can you save altogether?

With a few changes, each household can reduce its energy consumption as well as its costs. The potential savings depend on your current consumption and your habits. But it is entirely possible for households to be able to reduce their energy costs by 10–20%. You can find more tips on saving energy here: EnergieSchweiz.

Saving energy is simpler than you think. As you can see, there are many opportunities to reduce energy consumption at home. Whether in the kitchen, when using water, washing clothes or using electricity – in every area, there’s something you can do to lower your energy bill and live a bit more sustainably.