Furnishing guest rooms: feels like home


Are guests welcome in your home? Then you almost certainly have a guest room that makes them feel at home. Our ideas will help you create a comfortable, inviting guest room.

Dedicated guest or multipurpose room?

Not everyone has enough space in their house or apartment for a dedicated guest room. It makes sense to also use the guest room for other purposes, especially if you only have occasional visitors. For example, a guest room can also double up as a hobby room or office. If it is a dedicated guest room, you can actually furnish it as a separate bedroom.

If the room is used for other purposes, you will have to make good use of the space. In this case, we recommend multifunctional furniture that makes the most of the space. And if you have a small guest room, fold-out furniture can be helpful.

The bed. Or would you prefer a sofa bed?

Obviously, if you have a separate or very large room, you can treat your guests to a proper, comfortable bed. But many people prefer to use a space-saving version, especially as most of us don’t welcome overnight visitors every week.

A pull-out sofa bed is a great guest room solution. When buying one, pay attention to the opening and closing mechanism and whether it is quick and easy to operate. We also recommend a sofa bed with drawers where you can store spare bedding. And last of all, have a lie on it yourself to test its size and comfort. At the very least, it should have enough room for two people and be comfortable (maybe not TOO comfortable; your visitors should eventually go home again ;-)).

Another very snazzy and practical guest room option is a drop-down bed. During the day, it's a simple cupboard that takes up hardly any floor space. And when you need a bed, it simply drops down out of the cupboard. Your visitors can then store their empty cases or bags in the cupboard itself. This solution is probably more expensive than a sofa bed. And with a drop-down bed, you don’t have a sofa during the day. But you do of course gain floor space where you can exercise or children can play.

Furnishing guest rooms: feels like home

Bedding: only the best for guests

It is only for one night. And guests don’t pay attention to such things. Yes, it may be tempting to cover your guest bed with older and perhaps slightly faded bedding so it can be used once in a while at least rather than simply taking up space in the cupboard. Stop! We don’t think this is a good idea. Think back: when was the last time you felt really comfortable and welcome as an overnight guest? When did you enjoy snuggling down to sleep in a bed in someone else’s home? Was it covered with crumpled, faded bedding with pillowcases and a duvet cover that didn’t match? Certainly not. Guests do pay attention to such details. Maybe not consciously, but definitely sub-consciously. Don’t forget, many people don’t sleep as well in other beds as they do in their own bedroom and bed. This is why you should always go the extra mile for guests and make everything as nice and homely as possible. So get your best linen out of the cupboard, and make sure it's ironed and smells nice. It's also a good idea to give duvets and pillows a good shake so that your guests will feel the benefit of their soft, downy feathers.

Other guest room furniture and décor

The bed is certainly the most important piece of furniture for your guests, but they will also welcome a few other items and accessories:

  • Wardrobe or chest of drawers: very few people like to live out of a suitcase. Do you have a wardrobe or chest of drawers in your guest room? Your guests will welcome some free hanging space and an empty drawer. Perhaps you can even provide space to store their empty case.
  • Bedside table: everyone always has some small items that they want to put down. It's nice if there is space for this on the bedside table.
  • Reading lamp: if your guests want to read before going to sleep or wake up in the night and are unable to find their bearings, having a small lamp within reach will help. Next-level idea: a free socket near the bedside table to charge their phone is worth its weight in gold for guests.
  • Seating: a comfortable chair or cosy couch not only provides space for your guests’ discarded clothes. They can also sit on it while reading or simply tying their shoes. Definitely useful!
  • Mirror: most people take a quick look in the mirror after getting dressed. But where is the mirror? You'll be doing your guests a favour if you put one in your guest room.
  • Curtains: your guests don't know whether your neighbours can see into their room. They will feel more at ease if there are curtains at the window that they can close. If your guest room doesn’t have blinds, black-out curtains are a good idea so your visitors won't be woken up at dawn.
Furnishing guest rooms: feels like home

And now for the personal touch: kind, thoughtful additions will make you the perfect host!

As so often in life, it's the details that count when it comes to hospitality. The special touches that your guests find in ‘their room’, showing them that ‘It’s lovely to have you here. We want you to feel at home!’ There is no need to pull out all the stops, of course, simply choose a couple of nice things. These thoughtful additions will delight your guests:

  • Wi-Fi password: get the priorities straight. To avoid your guests having to ask, write down the Wi-Fi password and leave it on the bedside table.
  • Fresh flowers: either from your garden or the florist. They will brighten up the room and make it smell nice.
  • Something to drink: place a fresh bottle of water and a glass on a serviette on the bedside table.
  • A delicious bedtime treat: a small chocolate on the pillow to wish them sweet dreams. But watch out: make sure it's visible, otherwise there will be nasty stains on the pillow the next morning ;-).
  • Something to read: an interesting book or a magazine for your visitors to peruse at their leisure.
  • Toiletries: clean towels in various sizes (preferably the same style and colour), miniature creams, shower gel and shampoo and maybe even a toothbrush (which is surprisingly easy to forget, even though we use it every day) will make your guests feel like they are in a hotel. With a more personal touch.
  • Leisure tips: do you live in a big city that your guests haven’t visited very often? Give them a city map, a couple of sightseeing tips and maybe even a day ticket for the tram. This will encourage them to explore the area.

Guest bed in the lounge? That can also work!

Maybe you don’t have a spare room and even your study is full to the brim. That’s no problem, your visitors can also sleep in your lounge. Your sofa becomes a bed, your coffee table becomes a bedside table and an empty corner provides space for their bags. Even in your lounge, you can make your visitors comfortable using a couple of the ideas mentioned above. And one last tip: if you and your guests spend the evening in your lounge, it's worth giving the room a good airing before your visitors go to sleep. This will certainly make them feel comfortable in your lounge and ensure they enjoy a good night’s sleep.

We hope you and your visitors have a great time!

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